Monday, November 11, 2013

Exercise 4.1

    For this assignment we needed to answer a list of questions a person would possibly want to know about our topic:
Question 1:
Why? To inform people that photography and photos can be used as a therapy and a copping tool.
Where? In the Untied states. 
Who? People who are dealing with a loss or one who is in need of therapy. 
When? When one is at their weakest and is seeking a cooping tool.
What? A useful cooping tool.
Question 2:
What do you mean by phototherapyPhototherapy is the use of photos being used a a copping tool to be used as a reminder of the good moments in the passed
Question 3:
How do most people see this? How do you see it differently? Most people see photography being used just as a hobby. I see it as being so much more, I believe that it could help a lot of people. 
Question 4:
Are you kidding? I didn't know that. What else did you find out? I found out that you could not only take pictures as a means of therapy but there is also Phototherapy.
Question 5:
Can you give me an example? One example is, a client's loved one passed away he took photographs into his therapy sessions without being asked and he began to use the photographs as way to reminder of all of the good memories of the past and it was used as a copping tool.
Question 6:
Did that surprise you? No, I believe that photos are a great way to remember the past memories you share with loved ones. It's a great way to remember the good times and not the bad ones. Remembering these times can be used to focus on the good in the situation and not on the bad.
Question 7:
What other questions does this raise? What are ways to help people cope? Is taking pictures more productive than phototherapy? 
Question 8:
Who does this affect, mostly? This does not affect any specific person. It can affect anyone who has lost a loved one, who has gone through a traumatic experience, or one who is looking for comfort in a situation. 
Question 9:
What should we do about this?  We should make it known to others out there that this photography can be more than just a  hobby but that it can be used as a therapy to help someone if it was placed in the right person's hand. 
Question 10:
I'm not sure I believe this. Why do you? I believe that everyone should have a way of copping with a situation. This subject is very close to me. I love photography and a year and a half ago I lost my dad. This is what I used to help me cope with his lose. If it can be used to help others I want to make sure others know about it.
Question 11:
What do you think we should do about it?  I believe that we should get phototherapy in the hand's of clients. We should also find ways to introduce photography into therapy sessions as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! This is definitely an important post that makes a lot of sense. Your topic is great and can definitely be helpful. I agree with you when you say photography can be a good coping mechanism because you are reminiscing on things that have happened in the past. Some may be good or bad, but we usually learn from these memories. I like how you said some people view photography as a hobby and you do not. This is very true because some people play a role in photography just because it is fun for them. I definitely am with you when you say photography can help people even through trials in their life. Also, I believe you were right when you said phototherapy should be in the hands of clients. It can help them be introduced to photography as well as expressing themselves in a way that can be pleasing.
